Photo Album
January '72 Intake

Home Reunion 1998 2002 Brisbane More photos

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Young Bob

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Outside Bob's house in Brisbane approx. 1973

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A couple of the boys and their cars.
The one on the left is David Fancourt and Paul Arnold,
and the one on the right is Nobby Ingram and Mick Krauze in,
I think, Scotty McKinnleys car
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Assuming the usual position, at that time.  Sightseeing in the UK in 1976. 
A happy little group at the Penguin reunion in 1989
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My son Daniel is now taller than me.  
Keith Johnson doing it tough at work. (The good looking bloke with the beard, if you didn't recognize him).
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Now I'm a little older, and a Naval Reserve Cadet again.
Here is a picture of Keith Johnston and his wife Cheryl, taken at The Nuku'alofa Club in Tonga, where Keith was posted as " Marine Engineer Advisor " to the Kingdom of Tonga. Not too bad for a Mobi.
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